To me, one of the hardest aspects of suffering is how it isolates us and convinces us we are alone – the only one who is struggling. Whether we are experiencing deep hurt, or feeling discouraged, disappointed or disillusioned, our tendency is to pull away from others (even those whom we love/trust) and separate ourselves to deal with our pain. I’ve seen it in my own life and in the lives of those whom I counsel. When we hurt, we become convinced that we are alone and we act accordingly. The problem is that isolation breeds deception and the lies we start to believe in our ‘aloneness’ can cause great harm and even prolong our suffering.
There were so many things I enjoyed about reading Hope When It Hurts (I could go on and on with the many, specific ways in which God met me in deep and meaningful ways while reading this book)…. But, what has ministered to me the most is the confidence, comfort and reassurance that I am not alone in my suffering. My life experience might be unique and there might not be another person on this planet suffering in quite the same way that I am, BUT, I am not alone.
This book reminded me that the pathway of pain provides a band of sisters and brothers who are sharing together in providential affliction. We are not alone. Our lives might continue to be filled with hardship and hurt until the day we die, but it doesn’t have to be faced alone. We have each other.
That’s the beautiful truth Sarah and Kristin’s book spoke to my heart, page after page, chapter after chapter. Because of their authenticity and vulnerability, I was reminded that I am not alone, God sees me, God has provided Himself and the Church to journey with me, and there is Hope in Jesus.
I thank them so much for writing this much needed book and I’m confident you will be encouraged, strengthened and comforted as you read it too.